Showcase ’55


Princeton '55: A Class in Service

     Ever since 1955, the Class has given back to Princeton, a institution which has given them so much. This is a written record of the many ways the Class has served Princeton "in the Nation's Service"- as President Woodrow Wilson urged - while also serving the University itself. To read the full account, click here




Individual Classmate Creativity

   Over the years, members of our Class of have created remarkable books, films, works of art and music. This showcase attempts to assemble past as well as recent creations in a single location where they may be discovered and enjoyed by all classmates.  Click on the table of contents to learn more about a book, a video or a sound recording listed by classmates' name.

   To submit an entry, you must log in. Then click on the submit button at the right. If you have comments or suggestions on this Showcase '55 presentation, click on 'Contact Us'.



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