Princeton University

Class of 1955 Foundation, Inc.

2024 Trustees


Scott McVay, President
Alan M. Willemsen, Vice President
Charles F. Mapes Jr, Treasurer
J. Rogers Woolston, Class Archivist


Making a Contribution


 As of May 23, 2024, the  Princeton University Class of 1955 Foundation has been dissolved.


May 24, 2024

    The Princeton University Class of 1955 Foundation, Inc Closes. On May 23, at their 12 Stockton Street headquarters, Princeton AlumniCorps held an open house to welcome returning alumni and Project 55 fellows. Scott McVay '55, President of the Class of 1955 Foundation, Inc. announced the dissolution of the Class of 1955 Foundation, a consequence of the relentless aging process. Founded at a class reunion 35 years ago in response to Ralph Nader's challenge "What are you going to do with the rest of your life?", the Class of 1955 Foundation provided financial assistance to dozens of classmates, wives and widows in need. A grand total of $305,518 was awarded in strictly confidential grants along with guidance and counseling from dedicated classmates. As specified by the Foundation's charter, the residual funds were donated to Princeton AlumniCorps. Scott delivered a check for $178,966.69 to AlumniCorps Executive Director Kimme Carlos.


September 15, 2022

     Among the 118 classmates who have sent in their dues payments for this year, 54 or 48% have also contributed to the Class Foundation. Since its inception in 1979, thanks to the generosity of classmates and widows, the Class Foundation has grown to over $200,00.00. It has helped 35 classmates/spouses/families and is currently providing assistance to 2 families.

       The trustees continue to need the help of every class member as "eyes and ears" to bring to their attention those in need of  financial assistance It is not easy to come forward and say, " hey, I (we) could use a little help". It takes another classmate to pick up on who is hurting and to let a foundation trustee know.  With care and discretion they will explore the situation quickly and move rapidly to be of assistance. Strick confidence will be maintained.


January 13, 2022

    Included with annual dues payments, there have been 82 donations to the Class Foundation thus far this fiscal year. As in the past, the few payments from classmates who intentionally or inadvertently sent a gift for second time have been donated to the Class Foundation. The number of second payment gifts to the Foundation this past six months has increased to 25, either the mark of heightened generosity or the consequence of increased forgetfulness. Since July 1, 2021, a total of $14,305 has been transferred into the Foundation. Since July 1, 2021, a total of $14,305.00 has been transferred into the Foundation. The total amount for foundation gift transfers for all of last year was only $9,960.00


April 9, 2020

    At a time when the Corona virus has taken the life of at least one classmate, we want to alert all classmates, wives and widows that the Class of 1955 Foundation has some funds to be used for assistance of those who are struggling financially. The Class Foundation was founded in 1979 and, to date, 19 classmates, wives and widows have been helped.  Three are being helped currently.

   The challenge is to learn who is hurting.  Each of us might know of classmates and widows who are in straightened circumstances who could use the funds which have so generously given by the Class. Please write to Scott McVay at, Alan Willemsen at, Charlie Mapes at

m, or Rogers Woolston




   The Princeton University Class of 1955 Foundation, Inc. is exclusively charitable and educational.  The activities of the Foundation shall include extending financial assistance to members of the Class of 1955 and their widows who are in need and to provide educational scholarships and fellowships to qualified individuals.


   The Princeton University Class of 1955 Foundation, Inc. was incorporated in 1987 in New Jersey under Title 150-2-1a of the New Jersey Nonprofit Corporation Act.


Tax Status
   The Foundation has been determined to be exempt from Federal Income Tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  An advance ruling has been made by the IRS that indicates the Foundation is a publicly supported organization under Section 509(a)(1) and 170(b)(1)(a)(vi).


   Meetings of the foundation board are held periodically.



   The Foundation is funded by charitable gifts of cash, securities, real estate or other property made to it by classmates, their families, other Princetonians and members of the general public.  Gifts should be sent to Scott McVay ’55, President, 4566 Province Line Road, Princeton, N. J. 08540-2212 or Charles F. Mapes, ’55, Treasurer, 4544 Province Line Road, Princeton NJ 08540-2212. Donations may also be made by check or credit card along with annual Class dues or online via the class website.


Guiding Principles

   Several Princeton classes have established foundations like The Class of 1955 Foundation, Inc.  We are not the first to fear that ever advancing life expectancy and the spiraling cost of health care might cause many classmates and their widows to outlive their resources.  Nevertheless, the idea of a Class of 1955 Foundation was approached very carefully, both legally and in terms of the experience of other classes.  We are still grateful to members of the Class of 1922 for their helpfulness.

   What makes an enterprise like a class foundation successful?  Why have some class foundations been active and others dormant? The answers to these questions go to the heart of the reasons for which The Class of 1955 Foundation was established.
   The Class of 1955 is today, more than ever, a family, "a big tent with room for all.”  To the elation and despair we felt together during those late adolescent years on campus has been added a deep appreciation of the peaks and valleys brought inexorably by over half a century of adult life experience.  No one of us has journeyed so far unaware of disappointment, bad luck and tragedy.  No one of us confuses any longer, if he ever did, material possessions with success, happiness or worthiness.  No one of us will fail to rejoice at the prospect of assisting a classmate or his widow, for any reason, in serious need.  These are some of the reasons why The Class of 1955 Foundation is important and useful.
   We intend to continue to conduct the Foundation’s affairs with the utmost tact, diplomacy and discretion, while seeking to be of assistance to classmates and their widows in need. We understand that often those who need a hand find it awkward to ask for assistance.  We hope such requests to be so natural and acceptable that any ‘55er, acting out of the concern old friends have for each other, will ask for them.  That’s the kind of Class we are. 
   The Class of 1955 Foundation was structured specifically with these considerations of pride and privacy in mind.  Though requests for assistance will be received from any source, we ask every classmate and widow to be "the eyes and ears” of the officers who will handle requests and ensure that the Foundation’s work is accomplished in a caring and personal way.
   All requests for assistance will be acknowledged promptly and acted upon in a timely manner though it should be understood that every request for assistance will not necessarily produce a grant. 
   Lastly, in dissolution, when the last member and widow of The Class of 1955 has died and every obligation of The Class of 1955 Foundation, Inc. has been fulfilled, the Trustees, our sons and daughters in will distribute all remaining assets to Princeton AlumniCorps for the Princeton Project 55 Intern/Fellows program, the signature success of our class.  We trust that the Foundation’s efforts and activities will have enriched our experiences as classmates and alumni and strengthened the University.


Copyright © 2025 Princeton University Class of 1955. All rights reserved.

